Welcome to the Institute of Human Development

about us

About us

The Institute of Human Development was established in 1985 as a non-profit research and practice organization for the sciences of human development and human rights as a new scientific movement.
We collaborate on human development research activities with our members. We produce the results of research and disseminate it through publication, lecture, network and other outlets.

Board member

Director Ryuichi NAKAMURA Professor of Ritsumeikan University
Associate director Hozumi ARAKI Professor of Ritsumeikan University
Associate director Hiroshi OOIZUMI Honorary professor of Nihon Fukushi University
Associate director Kiyomu TANAKA Professor of University of Kochi
Associate director Akio WATANABE Professor of Kobe University




滋賀県大津市朝日が丘1-4-39 梅田ビル3階

TEL 077-524-9387
FAX 077-524-9387